Valencia Hotel,
Wave and material
properties of marine sediments: relationships for geoacoustic
inversions (M. Buckingham, MPL/SIO, UCSD – Invited Speaker)
Empirical predictions of seafloor
properties based on remotely measured sediment impedance (M. Richardson, NRL- Stennis, K. Briggs )
Using buried directional receivers in
high-frequency seafloor studies (J. Osler, Defence R&D Canada, A.
Geoacoustic inversion of broadband data
from the Florida Straits (R. Chapman,
High-frequency rapid geo-acoustic
characterization (K. Heaney, Lockheed Martin ORINCON)
11:15-12:15 Ambient
Noise Chair:
High-frequency geoacoustic inversion of
ambient noise data using a short arrays
Mid to high-frequency ambient noise
anisotropy and notch-filling mechanisms (P. Ferat, Johns Hopkins University/APL, J. Arvelo)
Measurements and predictions of high
frequency ambient noise (A. Holden, DSTL)
Ultrasonic time reversal
mirrors (M. Fink, ESPCI – Invited Speaker)
Time reversal ocean acoustic experiments
at 3.5 kHz: Applications to active sonar and undersea communications (H. Song,
MPL/SIO-UCSD, P. Roux, T. Akal, G.
Edelmann, W. Higley, W. Hodgkiss, W. Kuperman, K. Raghukumar, M. Stevenson)
Time-reversal and spatial diversity:
issues in a time-varying geometry test
(S. Jesus, SiPLAB-FCT,
Acoustic communication using
time-reversal signal processing: spatial and frequency diversity (D. Rouseff,
APL-University of Washington, J. Flynn, J. Ritcey, W. Fox)
A high-frequency active underwater
acoustic barrier experiment using a time reversal mirror; model-data comparison (
Iterative equalization and
decoding in underwater acoustic channels
(J. Proakis,
Environmental and motion effects on
orthogonal frequency division multiplex on-off key (P. Gendron,
NRL, T. Yang)
Environmental effects on phase coherent
underwater acoustic communications: a perspective from several
experimental measurements (T. Yang, NRL)
The impact of underwater acoustic
channel structure and dynamics on the performance of adaptive coherent
equalizers (J. Preisig, WHOI)
High-frequency FH-FSK underwater
acoustic communications: the environmental effect and signal processing (W. Yang,
NRL, T. Yang)
Progress and research issues in
high-frequency seafloor scattering (D.
Modeling shallow water propagation with scattering
from rough boundaries (
Mid frequency sonar backscatter measurements from a
rippled bottom (J.Lopes, NSWC, R. Lim, K.
The dependence of long-range
reverberation on bottom roughness (R. Gauss, NRL, D. Fromm, K. LePage, R. Gragg)
Environmental effects of waveguide
uncertainty on coherent aspects of propagation, scattering and reverberation (K. LePage
,NRL, B. McDonald)
11:15-12:15 Underwater
Acoustic Communications II Chair:
Jim Preisig
Spatio-temporal focusing for elimination
of multipath effects in high rate acoustic communications (M. Stojanovic,
Synthetic undersea acoustic transmission
channels (D. Green, Benthos, J. Rice)
Underwater acoustic communication
channel capacity: a simulation study
(T. Hayward, NRL, T. Yang)
HF Doppler acoustic
imaging of the ocean surface and interior (R.
Pinkel, SIO-UCSD – Invited Speaker, J. Smith)
Mean and covariance of forward
propagated field through a random oceanic waveguide (P. Ratilal,
MIT, T. Chen,
Detection of high-frequency sources in
random/uncertain media (L. Sibul,
Long range acoustic imaging of the
Continental Shelf environment: the acoustic clutter experiments (N. Makris, MIT, P. Ratilal, Y. Lai, S. Lee, D. Symonds)
Modeling acoustic signal fluctuations
induced by sea surface roughness (R. Heitsenrether,
The dolphin sonar:
excellent capabilities in spite of some mediocre properties (W. Au, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology –
Invited Speaker)
Active sonar and the marine environment (E. Sevaldsen,
FFI/NDRE, P. Kvadsheim)
Acoustic propagation studies
for sperm whale phonation analysis during LADC experiments (N.
Predicting the environmental impact of
active sonar (A. Duncan, Center for
Biomimetic target classification (A. Abawi,
SAIC, M. Porter, C. Tiemann, P. Hursky,
S. Martin)
Underwater ambient noise and sperm whale
click detection during extreme wind speed conditions (J. Newcomb,
NRL-Stennis, A. Wright, S. Kuczaj, R.
Thames, W. Hillstrom, R. Goodman)
Nonlinear bubble dynamics and the
effects on propagation through the near-surface bubble layers (T.
On the relationship between signal bandwidth and correlation
for surface forward scattered signals
(L. Culver, ARL-University of
The sea surface bounce channel: bubble-mediated energy
loss and time/angle spreading (P. Dahl, APL-University of
The influence of the sea surface and fish on
long-range reverberation (R. Gauss, NRL, D. Fromm, K. LePage, J. Fialkowski, R.. Nero)
Numerical modeling of bottom scattering (R. Stephen,
11:15-12:35 Underwater
Acoustic Communications III: KauaiEx Chair:
Dan Rouseff
The Kauai Experiment (M. Porter,
SAIC, P. Hursky, M.
Telesonar testbed instrument provides a
flexible platform for acoustic propagation and communication research in the
8-50kHz band (V. McDonald, SPAWARSYSCEN, P.
Hursky, The KauaiEx Group)
Comparing single and multi-carrier
modulation schemes for underwater acoustic communications (P. Hursky,
SAIC, V. McDonald, The KauaiEx Group)
Impact of thermocline variability on
underwater acoustic communications: results from KauaiEx (M.
Virtual source approach to
scattering from partially buried elastic targets (H. Schmidt, Department of Ocean Engineering, MIT – Invited Speaker)
A finite-element tool for scattering
from localized inhomogeneities and submerged elastic structures (M. Zampolli, NATO
Undersea Research Centre, D. Burnett, F.
High-frequency material-dependent scattering processes
for tilted truncated cylindrical and disk-shaped targets (P. Marston,
Department of Physics-Washington State University)
Towards a deterministic high frequency
shallow water ray propagation model (L. Pautet, NATO Undersea Research Centre, E. Pouliquen)
Panama City 2003 broadband
shallow-water acoustic coherence experiments (S. Stanic, NRL-Stennis, E. Kennedy, D. Malley, B. Brown, R. Meredith, R.. Fisher, H. Chandler,
R. Ray, R. Goodman)
A high-speed, multi-channel data
acquisition system (D. Malley, NRL-Stennis, R. Brown, E. Kennedy, R. Meredith, H.
Chandler, S. Stanic)
Panama City 2003 acoustic coherence
experiments: environmental characterization (R. Meredith, NRL-Stennis, R. Fisher, S. Stanic, E. Kennedy, D. Malley, R. Brown,)
Broadband horizontal and vertical
spatial coherence measurements (T. Ruppel, NRL-Stennis, S. Stanic, G. Norton, R. Meredith, E.
Kennedy, R. Goodman, M. Wilson)
Broadband temporal coherence results
from the June 2003
Panama City 2003 acoustic coherence
experiments: low frequency bottom penetration fluctuation measurements in a
multi-path environment (R. Meredith, NRL-Stennis, E. Kennedy, D. Malley, R. Fisher, R.
Brown, S. Stanic)
Navy applications of
Mid-frequency signal fluctuations and
target localization (W. Hodgkiss, MPL/SIO-UCSD, G. D’Spain, D. Ensberg)
Detection of direct-path arrivals for
multi-narrowband sequences (3-30 kHz) in shallow water (A.
Zoksimovski,Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping-University of
High frequency propagation models: a
comparison of performance in Brazilian shallow waters (A. Sousa,
Brazilian Navy Research Institute, A.
11:15-12:55 Experiments
and Measurement Techniques II (KauaiEx and ElbaEx) Chair:
Lucie Pautet
Results from the
Ocean variability on high-frequency
acoustic propagation in KauaiEx (M.
Side-scan sonar survey operations in
support of KauaiEx (J. Caruthers, Department of Marine Sciences-University
of Southern
High frequency tomography using
bottom-mounted transducers (J. Lewis, Scientific Solutions, P. Stein, S. Rajan, J. Rudzinsky, A.
Vandiver, The KauaiEx Group)
Model-based tracking at high frequency (P. Hursky,
SAIC, M. Porter, The KauaiEx Group)